Thursday, April 24, 2008

Apprehension & Anxiety (most likely this is just part one on the subject)

I'm calling this blog The Day Shift because I work the day shift, and I need something productive to do while in between calls here at the cubicle. (also because of the Bob Dylan song that I think of every time I go to work)

I am calling this post Apprehension & Anxiety because I'm nervous that I might start emoting inappropriately. I've always had a feeling of ... curiosity about blogging, because I've read some terrible ones. They're gushing and sighing, flying wildly about in their imaginations, always with themselves at the center. But I've read some good ones, too. Genuinely thoughtful or thought-provoking, or--even better--funny. And I've written my fair share of terrible ones and decent ones, as well, just in convenient venues.

In other words, I am still feeling out the purpose of this very wide open space, and every keystroke narrows it exponentially. But I'm suspecting at a certain point the keystrokes will cease to narrow it and, through force of volume or quantity, start expanding and enriching the space. That's a hope.


(The next day)

And then the internet offers this, just as a little validation:

"Many people need desperately to receive this message: 'I feel and think much as you do, care about many of the things you care about, although most people do not care about them. You are not alone.'"

-Kurt Vonnegut

So, not so apprehensive anymore. Maybe a little emoting would do somebody else some good.

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